martes, 11 de julio de 2017


Resultado de imagen de "Festivals graphics"

Festivals graphics / [publisher: Sylvie Estrada ; concept & design: Anna Blanco] - Barcelona : Index Book , 2013

199 p. : il. ; 24 cm 
ISBN 978-84-15308-40-9 

[Sec.: DGR]         [Sign.: DGR/FES]

“Festivals Graphics explores the use of graphic arts in festivals dedicated to music, design, dance, theatre, cinema and arts. It features 32 different festivals from all over the world, with a special section dedicated to celebrating the 20th anniversary of Sónar, the famed Barcelona advanced music and new media art festival. This section will examine how the graphics have changed over the festival’s 20-year history, showing the evolution of the festival through its graphic representation. Through this book, we can see the links between the art forms celebrated in each festival and the art used to represent it.

[Font: Consultada: 11.07.2017]